Yeah for me I finally figured out how to get John's digital camera pictures onto the computer...I do not have a hookup from his camera to the computer. So now I can add some of those pictures onto this lovely blog. I will not add all 100 + pictures, but maybe juat a few of my favorites. If you want to see them all I have uploaded a lot to my facebook page and I can send you the link. I will post them in order from the most recent pictures back...
Six Flags

Here Celia is riding on the Thomas the Tank train engine. They let us take this picture here. She loved the little Thomas play area with slides and stuff. I hate that she is so grown up that she doesn't need help with anything like that anymore. We were able to get into the park for free, awesome, it was military appreciation day for the army.

This totally cracked me up. I had showed her the park map and information on-line the night before. She was so excited to meet Bugs Bunny - she actually watches a little Bugs on occasion. Unfortunately he was sick so they couldn't do the preformance. They did a little meet and greet and Celia had talked about getting her picture taken with them. She went so shy when she saw the characters that this is the closest she came. She kept wanting to see them though.

I was so impressed with how many rides Celia was actually able to go on. None of the big ones, but she was still able to go on a kids roller coaster and some kids rides. Probably the funniest was the water fall one where you go down. She was fine until the water hit us....Then she screamed and cried and was so mad at us for taking her on it. I really did warn her she would get wet...I guess it was just too much for her. She dried off quick and was fine, but it was funny.

After 5 or 6 pictures, I finally got a good one. The first he closed his eyes, second made a weird face, and the rest he kept purposefully closing his eyes. I don't know why he would do that, he has gorgeous eyes.
I finally decided that I should probably get my picture taken as well. Maybe next time I won't bend my neck all wierd. I am always the one taking the pictures, never in them. In fact, these are all digital pictures from John's camera. He has taken less than 20 himself. Chris keeps telling him to take pictures, I even begged him to take a picture of some stuff on base in San Antonio. He forgot....

I love this picture. John took it and you can just tell that she was having a fun day.
New Beehive Spend the Night

These are my beehives (the girls I teach and stuff at church). Michaela Buckner, Kyra Taylor, Sarah Embry, Brooke Mosby and the newest edition Tara Nye. We decided to have a spend the night to welcome Tara into Young Womens and beehives. They wanted to go to Waffle House and Walmart. So here they are at Waffle house listening to the music they picked out on the juke box.

You may think that Brooke is giving a disgusted look. Ok you'd be right. Brooke had made a mixture of stuff from the table, ketchup, syrup, pepper, etc. Tara decided to give it a try. Brooke was obviously shocked and yeah disgusted.

This was a radom picture that ended up being totally awesome with Sarah making a wretching face that looks like a ducks bill. She felt ill.....Little did they know I was slightly ill myself having found a hair at the bottom of my food.....

Sarah and Michaela are good friends. Here they are at Walmart trying on boots, I must also note this is their before picture. Everyone had wanted to wear pajamas to Walmart, but Sarah forgot hers.

Here they are with their newly acquired matching pajamas.....They cracked me up. The whole outfit was less than $10....

They love trying on silly clothes at Walmart. Brooke is in the tamer outfit of a mumu type night dress. She doesn't love it and neither did I, but it was fun to try.

Kyra and Tara try on some costumes since we went at the beginning of October.
Fishing at the Jones'

One of the many things that we did this year was take a little fishing trip to a family in the wards house. They have a lot of acreage and a pond. John is holding up the fish he caught...

John helping Celia fish.

This is from the beginning of the year, but I had to throw it in there. Celia was digging the georgia red clay and throwing the dirt over her head. I don't know if you can tell, but yes that is dirt all over and in her hair.
This is the silly face that Celia learned and has loved this year.

She loves putting on shiny gloss and will just keep doing it for quite some time if you let her. I even caught her adding watcr to the gloss when it ran out.
This is at the entrance to SeaWorld in San Antonio. We went to visit John for Spring Break _ an interesting trip filled with a flu bug and a 13+ hour drive in the car. Anyways, SeaWorld also does military appreciation stuff and lets you get into a park once a year if you are in the military. So yeah, we got in for free here too....Course as John puts it he does put his life on the line to have this privelege.

I love this picture from seaworld. I have no idea why that turtle is on his head, but it strikes me as very funny.

The only pictures John took at any of his Army Stuff were in San Antonio. These are a few. The one above and below is of his good friend Victor Armenta. They have good times together.

Yes I know this is disgusting, this is the kind of practical exam stuff John had to go through in San Antonio when he was doing the Army Medic school. That is a pre-requiste for the LPN type nursing school that he is currently involved in at Fort Gordon. It has been well over a year since he left for boot camp and there is not immediate end in sight.